Australian sauna

Sauna washing is an action utilized for the reasons for purging, joy, wellbeing, and unwinding for millennia.

Lift your invulnerable framework and lessen pressure!

The different, experimentally demonstrated medical advantages from sauna washing make it an astounding piece of a solid way of life. Norde sauna

Partake in the idealism and quietness without anyone else or make it a social propensity with your loved ones.

We are gladly introducing part of our Estonian culture and might want to share the genuine sauna experience with you.


- Norde Sauna Team

We can fabricate you a real sauna by Nordic sauna building principles yet in consistence with BCA.

We will clarify and direct you through the choices and help you with choices to guarantee your significant serenity about the incredible speculation for your wellbeing, your family and for your property estimation.

Off-framework sauna lodge SOHNI

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Outside SIZE: 2400 x 2000 x H:2400mm

Construction: protected lumber outline

Seats: 2 level

Entryway: treated glass

WINDOW: safety glass

Material: Colorbond®

PLUMBING: french channel



+ WOODBURNING SAUNA STOVE: with heat defenders and pipe framework as per BCA guidelines

+ ELECTRICAL SAUNA STOVE: with heat defenders and wiring associated by ensured electrical technician

+ ACCESSORIES: wifi regulator for el. warmer, spoon and pail set, thermometers, LED lightning, speakers and so forth. Traditional sauna in Australia

+ TREATMENT: Tikkurila Supi Sauna Wax Black, Gray or Brown

+ CUSTOM: additional window, decking, open air shower, planned cool-down region and so on


The lodge SOHNI is convenient and can be lifted onto a trailer or truck for transportation.

The lodge can be pre-collected with all things required gave, anyway if the site isn't open to convey completely assembled lodge we construct it for you on location. The lodge ought to be set on top of a firm and level establishment produced using rock, decking or clearing.

Uniquely constructed saunas

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Our point is help you devise a plan and construct plan that considers best practices and is tweaked to your space, financial plan and use.


You can have your own health retreat in the back yard, in the house or in the carport. It very well may be based on a trailer or even onto a pontoon for portability.

Send us an enquiry about your vision and we will hit you up with the choices and ideas how to continue to accomplish your arrangements. Visit this website:




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